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USCG 47' Marine Lifeboat

A new center point object for a remote show... AND SAVING LIVES.


  • Unknown said...

    Not sure if you are still working on this, but I am a retired Surfman, I was stationed at Cape Disappointment for about 7 years, then Grays Harbor for three more. I have over 2000 hours of 47 MLB use and am ultra familiar with this lifeboat. I'd be more than happy to lend my experiences and any technical data to helping you. hit me up here and I can give you my email.

    Rob Mantell
    Surfman #443

    Unknown said...

    For starters - You have the listed name incorrect. These craft are called 47' Motor Lifeboats, or MLB for short. Also, on your rendering the stbd quarter seems to cut in at the waterline, the hull design of the 47' MLB does not actually do this. The hull design of the boat is called "semi displacement" and it is shaped more or less like a sport fisher. At the stern and quarter plates the hull kinda goes straight down, with the "V" of the center aft goin down to about 3ft below the surface. Actual draft of the 47' is 4'6", but this is measured to the shaft strut extensions, actual hull draft is closer to just under 4'.
